How to Dissolve an LLC in Arkansas

Closing down a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be a complex and meticulous process. If you have an LLC based in Arkansas that you wish to dissolve, this article will guide you through the necessary steps to ensure a smooth dissolution.

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Before proceeding with the dissolution, it is crucial to make certain that all outstanding obligations, debts, and taxes have been properly addressed. Failure to do so may result in future legal complications or liabilities.

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Step 1: Review the LLC's Operating Agreement

The first step is to thoroughly review the LLC's operating agreement. This document outlines the procedures and requirements for dissolving the company. It may include provisions related to Member approval, voting requirements, dispute resolution, and any additional responsibilities or restrictions that may apply during the dissolution process. It is crucial to strictly adhere to these guidelines.

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Step 2: Obtain Member Approval and Document It

Once all members have reached a consensus to dissolve the LLC, a formal resolution should be passed and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The resolution should include the reasons behind the dissolution, the terms and conditions agreed upon by the members, and proper voting procedures. This documentation will be important for legal purposes and to provide evidence of member authorization during the dissolution.

Step 3: Settle All Outstanding Obligations and Debts

Ensure that all pending financial obligations, debts, and liabilities are fully addressed before initiating the dissolution process. This includes:

1. Notifying and settling outstanding payments with vendors, suppliers, and other third-party entities.

2. Clearing any loans, mortgages, or leases.

3. Satisfying tax obligations and filing final tax returns at the state and federal levels.

4. Informing and resolving any issues with clients or customers and resolving any contractual obligations.

5. Cancelling any business licenses or permits issued by local or state authorities.

6. Closing bank accounts and transferring funds or assets according to your operating agreement.

Step 4: File Dissolution Documents with the Arkansas Secretary of State

To dissolve the LLC officially, you need to file dissolution documents with the Arkansas Secretary of State. The following steps need to be followed:

1. Obtain the necessary forms: Visit the Arkansas Secretary of State website to access the dissolution forms specific to LLCs. Ensure you choose the appropriate form based on your LLC's status (active or inactive).

2. Prepare necessary information: Understand the information required to fill out the form, which may include the name and address of the LLC, date of formation, registered agent information, and notice address.

3. Complete the forms: Fill in the forms accurately and double-check for any errors or omissions. The Arkansas Secretary of State's website usually provides detailed instructions to assist in filling out the forms correctly and completely.

4. Pay the filing fee: Pay the required filing fee, which varies depending on whether the LLC is active or inactive. It is advisable to check the current fee schedule on the Arkansas Secretary of State's website.

5. Submit the forms: Once the forms are completed and the filing fee is paid, submit them to the Arkansas Secretary of State's office. You can submit them in person, by mail, or electronically as per the guidelines provided on their website.

Step 5: Notify all Appropriate Parties

In addition to officially dissolving the LLC with the Secretary of State, it is important to inform other relevant parties about the LLC's dissolution. These may include:

1. Employees: Inform employees about the decision to dissolve the company, provide termination notices (if applicable), and properly handle any remaining employee-related obligations, such as final paychecks or unused vacation time.

2. Clients and Customers: Notify clients and customers about the LLC's dissolution and, if necessary, transition them to new service providers or provide alternative solutions.

3. Suppliers and Creditors: Notify suppliers and creditors about the closure, settle any remaining dues or claims, and ensure they are aware of the dissolution process.

4. State and Federal Entities: Notify government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Arkansas Department of Revenue, and the Division of Workforce Services about the LLC's dissolution and address any pending tax or legal obligations.

Step 6: Maintain Adequate Records

Following the dissolution and completion of the formalities, the LLC should maintain all relevant records for a specific period as mandated by law. This includes financial records, tax returns, and other relevant documents that may be required in the future.


The dissolution process of an LLC in Arkansas requires careful attention to legal and financial matters. By following the steps above, obtaining member approval, resolving all outstanding obligations, filing the necessary dissolution documents, and notifying the appropriate parties, you can effectively dissolve your LLC in compliance with Arkansas laws and regulations. Remember, seeking professional advice, such as consulting an attorney or tax advisor, can provide valuable insights and ensure a seamless dissolution process.

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